Oesophageal pH Testing and Manometry

What Is Oesophageal pH Testing and Manometry?

This procedure can occur in two steps and may be done together with a gastroscopy

Together, these tests help to determine causes of reflux and swallowing issues. This procedure is done by a certified endoscopist (your doctor) under sedation (light or deep sleep) by a consultant anaesethetist if accompanied by a gastroscopy, otherwise will simply use topical anaesethetic numbing cream applied locally.

Why Do I Need Oesophageal pH Testing and Manometry?

Specialised oesophageal testing may be recommended if you have:

How Can I Prepare for Oesophageal pH Testing and Manometry?

It is essential that the stomach is empty for this procedure therefore you will be asked to fast for a certain period of time prior to your scheduled test. This may also affect the timing of your regular medications so please refer to the individualised instructions that are sent to you prior or discuss any questions you may have with the team. 

Are There Any Risks Or Side Effects From Oeosphageal pH Testing and Manometry?

Please be assured that the doctors performing your procedure are highly qualified and certified by the appropriate governing gastroenterological and endoscopy society. Complications from this procedure have been documented although they are uncommon and often rare. If you are undergoing a gastroscopy for therapeutic purposes, these may be more common. 

Risks that we routinely consent for include:

If you are concerned about any of these potential adverse events or wish to explore these further, please discuss this with your doctor. If you experience any new or troubling symptoms after the procedure, please also get in touch with the medical team immediately.

Additional Information

For more information, please speak to your responsible consultant or refer to the instruction letter accompanying your appointment information.